Cooking Tips

How to eliminate the fishy smell of sheep or goat meat

- Boil mutton or lamb with some radish slices, then half an hour and then lift and remove lobaknya.
- Boil 1 kg mutton or lamb with green beans 5 grams. After 10 minutes, remove and drain the meat.
- Cook 1 kg mutton with curry powder added with 10 g
- Cook 1 kg mutton to put 200 gr sugar cane that has been cut into pieces
- Boil 1 liter of water, after boiling enter 1 kg of mutton and 50 grams of vinegar. After boiling, drain the mutton, cooked and re-fit inclinations.

Avoid the broken egg shells when boiling
To avoid rupture of the shell while cooking, try to add a little vinegar, or earlier should also give a little salt.

Avoid noodles become mushy when cooked
To avoid noodles become mushy or too soft, when boiling noodles, dab a little salt.

Shrimps Cooking Tips

Preparation Tips Recipe Shrimp Processing
Preparing frozen shrimp
Transfer the shrimp from the freezer to the refrigerator or place it in the usual under cold running water. Do not use hot water or left at room temperature. Once the shrimp is not frozen, never frozen. Cook the shrimp when it was still a bit chilly.
Shrimp peeling
Hold the tail and slowly peel off the skin. Tail can be disposed or allowed to be look beautiful when presenting.
Cleaning Shrimp
Once peeled, shrimp nock backs do not get too deep, you will look like a ribbon / black strap. Take the black strap with tweezers or the tip of a sharp fork. Wash shrimp under a stream of water.
Make Model Butterflies
Do not waste the shrimp tail. Peel the skin of the main course. Start by cutting back the shrimp from the tail toward the head with a small piece many times, leave a little meat so that the bottom of both sides of the shrimp remain united.
Fresh shrimp
Shrimp can be consumed only in the period of a few days since the arrest. Enter in the freezer to store.

Shrimps Cooking Tips

Grilled Shrimp
Place the shrimp on cutting board with feet facing out shrimp. Use a sharp knife to divide the shrimp between the two sides of the foot until it touches the skin. Open up the average shrimp and wash in running water. Give seasoning and bake for 4-5 minutes. Apply seasoning while baking so that no burnt edges.
Shrimp Boil
Boil the water. Add the shrimp, godok to 4 minutes. Do not wait until the water boils again. Thus, the shells will not stick to the shrimp meat.
Fried shrimp
Make sure the shrimp is not frozen. Dry the shrimp by using tissue paper. Use 1/4 teaspoon of olive oil and seasoning as desired. Cook for 3-5 minutes. Do not overcook.
To fry shrimp with lots of oil (deep frying), dip the shrimp into milk and give a little flour. Cook over medium heat vegetable oil until golden brown.

Tips on choosing a fresh fish to cook
Fish is one of perishable foods, because a very high protein content causes foul odors.
For cooking purposes I suggest to choose the fish really fresh, in addition it will be better, the protein content would be great. Not many mothers can not choose the fish is really fresh, especially if you will be spending a dead fish in the market.
The characteristics of fresh fish are as follows:
1. Skin color is bright and sunny
2. Fish meat feels hard when pressed.
3. Clear eyes bulging and convex
4. Fresh fish scales is still strong inherent strong and shiny, scales still intact is not much to loose.
5. Red gills
6. Strong fin
7. fish skin and meat does not tear easily, especially on the abdomen. Do not stink.
Sign of a rotten fish:
a. gloomy eyes and sink;
b. gloomy and scales easily separated;
c. gloomy color with thick mucus;
d. gray gills with thick mucus;
e. flabby abdominal wall;
f. overall gloomy color and foul smelling.

Tip Selecting Broccoli:
1. Select broccoli dry because the water is trapped in between the broccoli florets would be hard to get out. As a result, florets and surrounding areas will easily rot during storage. If necessary, shake the broccoli to remove water trapped in between the florets.
2. Note the flowerets. Select the buds and blossoms are still dense with dark green color and compact.
3. Do not buy broccoli that is blackish or yellowish spots. These patches can be caused by dirt, kelayuan or point foul. Observe also the former slash in order to detect traces of stem rot in the trunk. If pressed, it will foul the trail was soft and watery.
4. Feel free to use your sense of smell to recognize the symptoms of decay are not visible.
5. To know that you are buying fresh broccoli or not, press the stem of broccoli with a fingertip. Fresh broccoli still has rods that are still hard.
Broccoli Saving Tip:
1. Broccoli can be stored in the refrigerator for up to four days, depending on the level of freshness when purchased.
2. Clean the broccoli from the possibility of a caterpillar. Dip it in warm water with a downward position of the crop. After the caterpillars come out, lift and shake broccoli.
3. Cut the stems are too long with a maximum width of 4 bulbs are included finger. Hump ​​is too long to make broccoli flowerets that grow fast and bloom into yellow.
4. Enter the broccoli into the black plastic to maintain moisture. Black plastic makes broccoli isolated from light and slows metabolism. The result is a green color and freshness will last longer.
Cooking Tip Broccoli:
Cooking broccoli requires caution own. Lightly cooked just enough so that vitamins are not damaged and the color is still attractive. Cooking broccoli too mature to make a green-black color. Nutrient levels are also a lot missing, especially vitamin C. In order to remain fresh green broccoli, boiled with boiling water that has been mixed with 1/2 tsp salt.

Tips on choosing a fresh shrimp
1. Fresh shrimp color colored clear and there are no black spots.
2. Fresh shrimp looks sturdy, when pressed, fresh shrimp meat feels hard.
3. Foot and skin and head are not easily separated.
4. Typical fishy smell fresh shrimp shrimp do not stink.

Tips on choosing a fresh mussels
1. When buying mussels in the shell, make sure the shells are open a lot, it shows the mussel is still alive.
2. if buying off of shellfish flesh still choose leather shell looks solid and intact.
3. Shellfish flesh color has not changed from the original, clam meat has changed color indicates that the shells had been rotten.
4. Not the typical fishy scented scented foul.
Tips on choosing a fresh squid
1. Fresh squid body supple and sturdy when pressed.
2. Small squid body purple with black spots. While large-sized squid> 20 cm), white body with little black spots.
3. Fresh calamari coated in mucous membranes clear.
4. Issued a distinctive smell and not smell rotten.
Tips on choosing a crab / crab fresh:
1. crab usually sold alive because it is usually tied, while the crab sold in the state is dead.
2. To choose the crabs move in and out of his eyes, it signifies the crab is still alive.
3. Select the crab / crab is still incomplete fingers including his claws.
4. Press with fingers on the back when it feels hard means crab / crab was meaty and healthy.
5. To distinguish crab / crab fat can also be done by lifting his body. When the meat was light means less dense.

Healthy Cooking Tips With Cooking Oil

Cooking oil is an ingredient that is required in the kitchen. Cooking oil is holding a huge role in cooking, frying and sauteing that for a variety of cuisines. However, unfortunately, the use of cooking oil sometimes synonymous with greasy foods and less healthy. How ya tips using cooking oil that is safe and healthy.

First tip is to use cooking oil in amounts as little as possible. For example when sauteing, use cooking oil sparingly. Then when frying, the meat should be sliced ​​thin or other materials used so as not to require too much oil.

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